MATLAB Function Reference
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Chapter 1

Command Summary

This chapter lists MATLAB commands by functional

General Purpose Commands

Managing Commands and Functions

addpathAdd directories to MATLAB's search pathpage 2-25
doc Display HTML documentation in Web browserpage 2-212
helpOnline help for MATLAB functions and M-filespage 2-369
lasterrLast error messagepage 2-433
lastwarnLast warning messagepage 2-435
lookforKeyword search through all help entriespage 2-451
pathControl MATLAB's directory search pathpage 2-533
profileMeasure and display M-file execution profilespage 2-565
rmpathRemove directories from MATLAB's search pathpage 2-606
typeList file   page 2-725
versionMATLAB version numberpage 2-734
whatDirectory listing of M-files, MAT-files, and MEX-filespage 2-742
whatsnewDisplay README files for MATLAB and toolboxespage 2-744
whichLocate functions and filespage 2-745

Managing Variables and the Workspace

clearRemove items from memorypage 2-120
dispDisplay text or arraypage 2-207
lengthLength of vectorpage 2-439
loadRetrieve variables from diskpage 2-442
mlockPrevent M-file clearingpage 2-481
munlockAllow M-file clearingpage 2-485
packConsolidate workspace memorypage 2-529
saveSave workspace variables on diskpage 2-616
sizeArray dimensionspage 2-632
who, whosList directory of variables in memorypage 2-748

Controlling the Command Window

echoEcho M-files during executionpage 2-215
formatControl the output display formatpage 2-291
moreControl paged output for the command windowpage 2-483

Working with Files and the Operating Environment

acopyCopy Macintosh file from one folder to anotherpage 2-20
amoveMove Macintosh file from one folder to anotherpage 2-30
applescriptLoad a compiled AppleScript from a file and execute itpage 2-35
arenameRename Macintosh Filepage 2-36
arevealReveal filename on Macintosh desktoppage 2-37
cd  Change working directorypage 2-92
copyfileCopy filepage 2-139
deleteDelete files and graphics objectspage 2-200
diary Save session in a disk filepage 2-203
dir Directory listingpage 2-206
editEdit an M-filepage 2-216
filepartsFilename partspage 2-267
fullfileBuild full filename from partspage 2-308
gestaltMacintosh gestalt functionpage 2-343
inmemFunctions in memorypage 2-396
matlabrootRoot directory of MATLAB installationpage 2-468
tempdirReturn the name of the system's temporary directorypage 2-714
mkdirMake directorypage 2-480
tempnameUnique name for temporary filepage 2-715
!   Execute operating system commandpage 2-13

Starting and Quitting MATLAB

matlabrcMATLAB startup M-filepage 2-467
quitTerminate MATLABpage 2-582
startupMATLAB startup M-filepage 2-674

Operators and Special Characters

+   Plus        page 2-2
-   Minus       page 2-2
*   Matrix multiplicationpage 2-2
.*  Array multiplicationpage 2-2
^   Matrix powerpage 2-2
.^  Array power page 2-2
kronKronecker tensor productpage 2-432
\Backslash or left divisionpage 2-2
/   Slash or right divisionpage 2-2
./ and .\Array division, right and leftpage 2-2
:   Colon       page 2-16
( ) Parentheses page 2-13
[ ] Brackets    page 2-13
{}  Curly bracespage 2-13
.   Decimal pointpage 2-13
... Continuationpage 2-13
,   Comma       page 2-13
;   Semicolon   page 2-13
%   Comment     page 2-13
!   Exclamation pointpage 2-13
'   Transpose and quotepage 2-13
.'  Nonconjugated transposepage 2-13
=   Assignment  page 2-13
==  Equality    page 2-9
< >Relational operatorspage 2-9
&Logical andpage 2-11
|   Logical or  page 2-11
~   Logical not page 2-11
xor Logical exclusive orpage 2-756

Logical Functions

all Test to determine if all elements are nonzeropage 2-28
any Test for any nonzerospage 2-33
existCheck if a variable or file existspage 2-244
findFind indices and values of nonzero elementspage 2-271
is* Detect statepage 2-419
*isaDetect an object of a given classpage 2-423
logicalConvert numeric values to logicalpage 2-447
mislockedTrue if M-file cannot be clearedpage 2-479

Language Constructs and Debugging

MATLAB as a Programming Language

builtinExecute builtin function from overloaded methodpage 2-83
evalInterpret strings containing MATLAB expressionspage 2-241
evalinEvaluate expression in workspace page 2-243
fevalFunction evaluationpage 2-257
functionFunction M-filespage 2-309
globalDefine global variablespage 2-345
nargchkCheck number of input argumentspage 2-487
persistentDefine persistent variablepage 2-543
scriptScript M-files page 2-621

Control Flow

breakTerminate execution of for or while looppage 2-82
caseCase switch page 2-89
catchBegin catch blockpage 2-91
elseConditionally execute statementspage 2-230
elseifConditionally execute statementspage 2-231
end Terminate for, while, switch, try, and if statements or indicate last index               page 2-233
errorDisplay error messagespage 2-238
for Repeat statements a specific number of timespage 2-289
if  Conditionally execute statementspage 2-373
otherwiseDefault part of switch statementpage 2-528
returnReturn to the invoking functionpage 2-604
switchSwitch among several cases based on expressionpage 2-704
try Begin try blockpage 2-723
warningDisplay warning messagepage 2-737
whileRepeat statements an indefinite number of timespage 2-747

Interactive Input

inputRequest user inputpage 2-398
keyboardInvoke the keyboard in an M-filepage 2-431
menuGenerate a menu of choices for user inputpage 2-472
pauseHalt execution temporarilypage 2-535

Object-Oriented Programming

classCreate object or return class of objectpage 2-119
doubleConvert to double precision page 2-213
inferiortoInferior class relationshippage 2-392
inlineConstruct an inline objectpage 2-393
isa Detect an object of a given classpage 2-423
superiortoSuperior class relationshippage 2-699
uint8Convert to unsigned 8-bit integerpage 2-726


dbclearClear breakpointspage 2-160
dbcontResume executionpage 2-162
dbdownChange local workspace contextpage 2-163
dbmexEnable MEX-file debuggingpage 2-166
dbquitQuit debug modepage 2-167
dbstackDisplay function call stackpage 2-168
dbstatusList all breakpointspage 2-169
dbstepExecute one or more lines from a breakpointpage 2-170
dbstopSet breakpoints in an M-file functionpage 2-171
dbtypeList M-file with line numberspage 2-174
dbupChange local workspace contextpage 2-175

Elementary Matrices and Matrix Manipulation

Elementary Matrices and Arrays

eye Identity matrixpage 2-251
linspaceGenerate linearly spaced vectorspage 2-441
logspaceGenerate logarithmically spaced vectorspage 2-450
onesCreate an array of all onespage 2-526
randUniformly distributed random numbers and arrayspage 2-584
randnNormally distributed random numbers and arrayspage 2-586
zerosCreate an array of all zerospage 2-757
: (colon)Regularly spaced vectorpage 2-16

Special Variables and Constants

ans The most recent answerpage 2-32
computerIdentify the computer on which MATLAB is runningpage 2-128
eps Floating-point relative accuracypage 2-235
flopsCount floating-point operationspage 2-279
i   Imaginary unitpage 2-372
Inf Infinity    page 2-391
inputnameInput argument namepage 2-399
j   Imaginary unitpage 2-430
NaN Not-a-Numberpage 2-486
nargin, nargout
    Number of function argumentspage 2-488
pi  Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter,page 2-544
realmaxLargest positive floating-point numberpage 2-596
realminSmallest positive floating-point numberpage 2-597
varargin, varargout
    Pass or return variable numbers of argumentspage 2-731

Time and Dates

calendarCalendarpage 2-85
clockCurrent time as a date vectorpage 2-122
cputimeElapsed CPU timepage 2-145
dateCurrent date stringpage 2-155
datenumSerial date numberpage 2-156
datestrDate string formatpage 2-157
datevecDate componentspage 2-159
eomdayEnd of monthpage 2-234
etimeElapsed timepage 2-240
now Current date and timepage 2-500
tic, tocStopwatch timerpage 2-716
weekdayDay of the weekpage 2-741

Matrix Manipulation

cat Concatenate arrayspage 2-90
diagDiagonal matrices and diagonals of a matrixpage 2-202
fliplrFlip matrices left-rightpage 2-276
flipudFlip matrices up-downpage 2-277
repmatReplicate and tile an arraypage 2-600
reshapeReshape arraypage 2-601
rot90Rotate matrix 90 degreespage 2-609
trilLower triangular part of a matrixpage 2-721
triuUpper triangular part of a matrixpage 2-722
: (colon)Index into array, rearrange arraypage 2-16

Specialized Matrices

companCompanion matrixpage 2-127
galleryTest matricespage 2-319
hadamardHadamard matrixpage 2-362
hankelHankel matrixpage 2-363
hilbHilbert matrixpage 2-371
invhilbInverse of the Hilbert matrixpage 2-417
magicMagic squarepage 2-464
pascalPascal matrixpage 2-532
toeplitzToeplitz matrixpage 2-717
wilkinsonWilkinson's eigenvalue test matrixpage 2-750

Elementary Math Functions

abs Absolute value and complex magnitudepage 2-19
acos, acoshInverse cosine and inverse hyperbolic cosinepage 2-21
acot, acothInverse cotangent and inverse hyperbolic cotangentpage 2-22
acsc, acschInverse cosecant and inverse hyperbolic cosecantpage 2-23
angleangle Phase anglepage 2-31
asec, asechInverse secant and inverse hyperbolic secantpage 2-38
asin, asinhInverse sine and inverse hyperbolic sinepage 2-39
atan, atanhInverse tangent and inverse hyperbolic tangentpage 2-41
atan2Four-quadrant inverse tangentpage 2-43
ceilRound toward infinitypage 2-95
conjComplex conjugatepage 2-133
cos, coshCosine and hyperbolic cosinepage 2-141
cot, cothCotangent and hyperbolic cotangentpage 2-142
csc, cschCosecant and hyperbolic cosecantpage 2-147
exp Exponential page 2-246
fix Round towards zeropage 2-274
floorRound towards minus infinitypage 2-278
gcd Greatest common divisorpage 2-341
imagImaginary part of a complex numberpage 2-379
lcm Least common multiplepage 2-436
log Natural logarithmpage 2-444
log2Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating-point numbers into exponent and mantissa        page 2-445
log10Common (base 10) logarithmpage 2-446
mod Modulus (signed remainder after division)page 2-482
nchoosekBinomial coefficient or all combinationspage 2-490
realReal part of complex numberpage 2-595
rem Remainder after divisionpage 2-599
roundRound to nearest integerpage 2-610
sec, sechSecant and hyperbolic secantpage 2-622
signSignum functionpage 2-629
sin, sinhSine and hyperbolic sinepage 2-630
sqrtSquare root page 2-666
tan, tanhTangent and hyperbolic tangentpage 2-712

Specialized Math Functions

airyAiry functionspage 2-26
besselhBessel functions of the third kind (Hankel functions)page 2-51
besseli, besselk
    Modified Bessel functionspage 2-53
besselj, bessely
    Bessel functionspage 2-56

beta, betainc, betaln
Beta functions    page 2-59
ellipjJacobi elliptic functionspage 2-226
ellipkeComplete elliptic integrals of the first and second kindpage 2-228
erf, erfc, erfcx, erfinv
    Error functions   page 2-236
expintExponential integralpage 2-247
gamma, gammainc, gammaln
    Gamma functionspage 2-339
legendreAssociated Legendre functionspage 2-437
pow2Base 2 power and scale floating-point numberspage 2-562
rat, ratsRational fraction approximationpage 2-590

Coordinate System Conversion

cart2polTransform Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindricalpage 2-86
cart2sphTransform Cartesian coordinates to sphericalpage 2-88
pol2cartTransform polar or cylindrical coordinates to Cartesianpage 2-548
sph2cartTransform spherical coordinates to Cartesianpage 2-650

Matrix Functions - Numerical Linear Algebra

Matrix Analysis

condCondition number with respect to inversionpage 2-130
condeigCondition number with respect to eigenvaluespage 2-131
det Matrix determinantpage 2-201
normVector and matrix normspage 2-498
nullNull space of a matrixpage 2-501
orthRange space of a matrixpage 2-527
rankRank of a matrixpage 2-589
rcondMatrix reciprocal condition number estimatepage 2-593
rref, rrefmovie
Reduced row echelon formpage 2-611
subspaceAngle between two subspacespage 2-697
trace Sum of diagonal elementspage 2-718

Linear Equations

\ /Linear equation solutionpage 2-2
cholCholesky factorizationpage 2-107
inv Matrix inversepage 2-414
lscovLeast squares solution in the presence of known covariancepage 2-453
lu  LU matrix factorizationpage 2-454
nnlsNonnegative least squarespage 2-494
pinvMoore-Penrose pseudoinverse of a matrixpage 2-545
qr  Orthogonal-triangular decompositionpage 2-571

Eigenvalues and Singular Values

balanceImprove accuracy of computed eigenvaluespage 2-47
cdf2rdfConvert complex diagonal form to real block diagonal formpage 2-93
eig Eigenvalues and eigenvectorspage 2-217
gsvdGeneralized singular value decompositionpage 2-357
hessHessenberg form of a matrixpage 2-367
polyPolynomial with specified rootspage 2-550
qz  QZ factorization for generalized eigenvaluespage 2-583
rsf2csfConvert real Schur form to complex Schur formpage 2-613
schurSchur decompositionpage 2-619
svd Singular value decompositionpage 2-700

Matrix Functions

expmMatrix exponentialpage 2-249
funmEvaluate functions of a matrixpage 2-311
logmMatrix logarithmpage 2-448
sqrtmMatrix square rootpage 2-667

Low Level Functions

qrdeleteDelete column from QR factorizationpage 2-574
qrinsertInsert column in QR factorizationpage 2-575

Data Analysis and Fourier Transform Functions

Basic Operations

convhullConvex hullpage 2-137
cumprodCumulative productpage 2-148
cumsumCumulative sumpage 2-149
cumtrapzCumulative trapezoidal numerical integrationpage 2-150
delaunayDelaunay triangulationpage 2-197
dsearchSearch for nearest pointpage 2-214
factorPrime factorspage 2-253
inpolygonDetect points inside a polygonal regionpage 2-397
max Maximum elements of an arraypage 2-469
meanAverage or mean value of arrayspage 2-470
medianMedian value of arrayspage 2-471
min Minimum elements of an arraypage 2-478
permsAll possible permutationspage 2-541
polyareaArea of polygonpage 2-553
primesGenerate list of prime numberspage 2-563
prodProduct of array elementspage 2-564
sortSort elements in ascending orderpage 2-634
sortrowsSort rows in ascending orderpage 2-635
std Standard deviationpage 2-675
sum Sum of array elementspage 2-698
trapzTrapezoidal numerical integrationpage 2-719
tsearchSearch for enclosing Delaunay trianglepage 2-724
voronoiVoronoi diagrampage 2-735

Finite Differences

del2Discrete Laplacianpage 2-194
diffDifferences and approximate derivativespage 2-204
gradientNumerical gradientpage 2-351


corrcoefCorrelation coefficientspage 2-140
cov Covariance matrixpage 2-143

Filtering and Convolution

convConvolution and polynomial multiplicationpage 2-134
conv2Two-dimensional convolutionpage 2-135
deconvDeconvolution and polynomial divisionpage 2-193
filterFilter data with an infinite impulse response (IIR) or finite impulse response (FIR) filter    page 2-268
filter2Two-dimensional digital filteringpage 2-270

Fourier Transforms

abs Absolute value and complex magnitudepage 2-19
angle Phase anglepage 2-31
cplxpairSort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairspage 2-144
fft One-dimensional fast Fourier transformpage 2-258
fft2Two-dimensional fast Fourier transformpage 2-261
fftshiftShift DC component of fast Fourier transform to center of spectrum               page 2-263
ifftInverse one-dimensional fast Fourier transformpage 2-375
ifft2 Inverse two-dimensional fast Fourier transformpage 2-376
ifftshiftInverse FFT shiftpage 2-378
nextpow2Next power of twopage 2-493
unwrapCorrect phase anglespage 2-729

Vector Functions

crossVector cross productpage 2-146
intersectSet intersection of two vectorspage 2-413
ismemberDetect members of a setpage 2-424
setdiffReturn the set difference of two vectorspage 2-624
setxorSet exclusive-or of two vectorspage 2-627
unionSet union of two vectorspage 2-727
uniqueUnique elements of a vectorpage 2-728

Polynomial and Interpolation Functions


convConvolution and polynomial multiplicationpage 2-134
deconvDeconvolution and polynomial divisionpage 2-193
polyPolynomial with specified rootspage 2-550
polyderPolynomial derivativepage 2-554
polyeigPolynomial eigenvalue problempage 2-555
polyfitPolynomial curve fittingpage 2-556
polyvalPolynomial evaluationpage 2-559
polyvalmMatrix polynomial evaluationpage 2-560
residueConvert between partial fraction expansion and polynomial coefficients            page 2-602
rootsPolynomial rootspage 2-607

Data Interpolation

griddataData griddingpage 2-354
interp1One-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup)page 2-401
interp2Two-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup)page 2-404
interp3Three-dimensional data interpolation (table lookup)page 2-408
interpftOne-dimensional interpolation using the FFT methodpage 2-410
interpnMultidimensional data interpolation (table lookup)page 2-411
meshgridGenerate X and Y matrices for three-dimensional plotspage 2-473
ndgridGenerate arrays for multidimensional functions and interpolation
                page 2-491
splineCubic spline interpolationpage 2-651

Function Functions - Nonlinear Numerical Methods

dblquadNumerical double integrationpage 2-164
fminMinimize a function of one variablepage 2-280
fminsMinimize a function of several variablespage 2-282
fzeroZero of a function of one variablepage 2-316
ode45, ode23, ode113, ode15s, ode23s, ode23t, ode23tb
    Solve differential equationspage 2-505
odefileDefine a differential equation problem for ODE solverspage 2-513
odegetExtract properties from options structure created with odeset
                page 2-519
odesetCreate or alter options structure for input to ODE solverspage 2-520
quad, quad8Numerical evaluation of integralspage 2-580
vectorizeVectorize expressionpage 2-733

Sparse Matrix Functions

Elementary Sparse Matrices

spdiagsExtract and create sparse band and diagonal matricespage 2-644
speyeSparse identity matrixpage 2-648
sprandSparse uniformly distributed random matrixpage 2-658
sprandn Sparse normally distributed random matrixpage 2-659
sprandsymSparse symmetric random matrixpage 2-660

Full to Sparse Conversion

find Find indices and values of nonzero elementspage 2-271
full Convert sparse matrix to full matrixpage 2-307
sparse Create sparse matrixpage 2-640
spconvertImport matrix from sparse matrix external formatpage 2-642

Working with Nonzero Entries of Sparse Matrices

nnz Number of nonzero matrix elementspage 2-496
nonzerosNonzero matrix elementspage 2-497
nzmaxAmount of storage allocated for nonzero matrix elementspage 2-504
spalloc Allocate space for sparse matrixpage 2-639
spfunApply function to nonzero sparse matrix elementspage 2-649
spones Replace nonzero sparse matrix elements with onespage 2-654

Visualizing Sparse Matrices

spy Visualize sparsity patternpage 2-665

Reordering Algorithms

colmmd Sparse column minimum degree permutationpage 2-123
colperm Sparse column permutation based on nonzero countpage 2-126
dmperm Dulmage-Mendelsohn decompositionpage 2-211
randpermRandom permutationpage 2-588
symmmd Sparse symmetric minimum degree orderingpage 2-706
symrcm Sparse reverse Cuthill-McKee orderingpage 2-708

Norm, Condition Number, and Rank

condest 1-norm matrix condition number estimatepage 2-132
normest 2-norm estimatepage 2-499

Sparse Systems of Linear Equations

bicgBiConjugate Gradients methodpage 2-61
bicgstabBiConjugate Gradients Stabilized methodpage 2-68
cgs Conjugate Gradients Squared methodpage 2-101
cholincSparse Incomplete Cholesky and Cholesky-Infinity factorizations
                page 2-109
cholupdateRank 1 update to Cholesky factorizationpage 2-116
gmresGeneralized Minimum Residual method (with restarts)page 2-347
luincIncomplete LU matrix factorizationspage 2-457
pcg Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients methodpage 2-536
qmr Quasi-Minimal Residual methodpage 2-567
qr  Orthogonal-triangular decompositionpage 2-571
qrdeleteDelete column from QR factorizationpage 2-574
qrinsertInsert column in QR factorizationpage 2-575
qrupdateRank 1 update to QR factorizationpage 2-576

Sparse Eigenvalues and Singular Values

eigsFind a few eigenvalues and eigenvectorspage 2-220
svdsA few singular valuespage 2-702


spparms Set parameters for sparse matrix routinespage 2-655

Sound Processing Functions

General Sound Functions

soundConvert vector into soundpage 2-636

SPARCstation-specific Sound Functions

aureadRead NeXT/SUN (.au) sound filepage 2-44
auwriteWrite NeXT/SUN (.au) sound filepage 2-45

.WAV Sound Functions

wavreadRead Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound filepage 2-738
wavwriteWrite Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound filepage 2-739

Macintosh Sound Functions

readsndRead snd resources and filespage 2-594
recordsoundRecord soundpage 2-598
soundcapSound capabilitiespage 2-637
speakSpeak text stringpage 2-647
writesndWrite snd resources and filespage 2-753

Character String Functions


abs Absolute value and complex magnitudepage 2-19
evalInterpret strings containing MATLAB expressionspage 2-241
realReal part of complex numberpage 2-595
stringsMATLAB string handlingpage 2-683

String Manipulation

deblankStrip trailing blanks from the end of a stringpage 2-189
findstrFind one string within anotherpage 2-273
lowerConvert string to lower casepage 2-452
strcatString concatenationpage 2-678
strcmpCompare stringspage 2-680
strcmpiCompare strings ignoring casepage 2-682
strjustJustify a character arraypage 2-684
strmatchFind possible matches for a stringpage 2-685
strncmpCompare the first n characters of two stringspage 2-686
strrepString search and replacepage 2-688
strtokFirst token in stringpage 2-689
strvcatVertical concatenation of stringspage 2-692
upperConvert string to upper casepage 2-730

String to Number Conversion

char Create character array (string)page 2-105
int2strInteger to string conversionpage 2-400
mat2strConvert a matrix into a stringpage 2-466
num2strNumber to string conversionpage 2-503
sprintfWrite formatted data to a stringpage 2-661
sscanfRead string under format controlpage 2-671
str2numString to number conversionpage 2-677

Radix Conversion

bin2decBinary to decimal number conversionpage 2-72
dec2binDecimal to binary number conversionpage 2-191
dec2hexDecimal to hexadecimal number conversionpage 2-192
hex2decIEEE hexadecimal to decimal number conversionpage 2-369
hex2numHexadecimal to double number conversionpage 2-370

Low-Level File I/O Functions

File Opening and Closing

fcloseClose one or more open filespage 2-254
fopenOpen a file or obtain information about open filespage 2-286

Unformatted I/O

freadRead binary data from filepage 2-297
fwriteWrite binary data to a filepage 2-313

Formatted I/O

fgetlReturn the next line of a file as a string without line terminator(s)
                page 2-264
fgetsReturn the next line of a file as a string with line terminator(s)
                page 2-265
fprintfWrite formatted data to filepage 2-292
fscanfRead formatted data from filepage 2-302

File Positioning

feofTest for end-of-filepage 2-255
ferrorQuery MATLAB about errors in file input or outputpage 2-256
frewindRewind an open filepage 2-301
fseekSet file position indicatorpage 2-305
ftellGet file position indicatorpage 2-306

String Conversion

sprintfWrite formatted data to a stringpage 2-661
sscanfRead string under format controlpage 2-671

Specialized File I/O

qtwriteWrite QuickTime movie file to diskpage 2-579
dlmreadRead an ASCII delimited file into a matrixpage 2-208
dlmwriteWrite a matrix to an ASCII delimited filepage 2-210
hdf HDF interfacepage 2-364
imfinfoReturn information about a graphics filepage 2-380
imreadRead image from graphics filepage 2-383
imwriteWrite an image to a graphics filepage 2-386
wk1readRead a Lotus123 WK1 spreadsheet file into a matrixpage 2-751
wk1writeWrite a matrix to a Lotus123 WK1 spreadsheet filepage 2-752
xlgetrangeGet range of cells from Microsoft Excel worksheetpage 2-754
xlsetrangeSet range of cells in Microsoft Excel worksheetpage 2-755

Bitwise Functions

bitandBit-wise ANDpage 2-73
bitcmpComplement bitspage 2-74
bitorBit-wise ORpage 2-77
bitmaxMaximum floating-point integerpage 2-76
bitsetSet bit   page 2-78
bitshiftBit-wise shiftpage 2-79
bitgetGet bit   page 2-75
bitxorBit-wise XORpage 2-80

Structure Functions

fieldnamesField names of a structurepage 2-266
getfieldGet field of structure arraypage 2-344
rmfieldRemove structure fieldspage 2-605
setfieldSet field of structure arraypage 2-625
structCreate structure arraypage 2-690
struct2cellStructure to cell array conversionpage 2-691

Object Functions

classCreate object or return class of objectpage 2-119
isa Detect an object of a given classpage 2-423

Cell Array Functions

cellCreate cell arraypage 2-96
cellstrCreate cell array of strings from character arraypage 2-100
cell2structCell array to structure array conversionpage 2-97
celldispDisplay cell array 2-98
cellplotGraphically display the structure of cell arrayspage 2-99
num2cellConvert a numeric array into a cell arraypage 2-502

Multidimensional Array Functions

cat Concatenate arrayspage 2-90
flipdimFlip array along a specified dimensionpage 2-275
ind2subSubscripts from linear indexpage 2-390
ipermuteInverse permute the dimensions of a multidimensional array
                page 2-418
ndgridGenerate arrays for multidimensional functions and interpolation
                page 2-491
ndimsNumber of array dimensionspage 2-492
permuteRearrange the dimensions of a multidimensional arraypage 2-542
reshapeReshape arraypage 2-601
shiftdimShift dimensionspage 2-628
squeezeRemove singleton dimensionspage 2-670
sub2indSingle index from subscriptspage 2-693

Graphical Visualization

Basic Plots and Graphs

bar Vertical bar chart
barhHorizontal bar chart
histPlot histograms
holdHold current graph
loglogPlot using log-log scales
pie Pie plot
plotPlot vectors or matrices.
polarPolar coordinate plot
semilogxSemi-log scale plot
semilogySemi-log scale plot
subplotCreate axes in tiled positions

Three-Dimensional Plotting

bar3Vertical 3-D bar chart
bar3hHorizontal 3-D bar chart
comet33-D comet plot
cylinderGenerate cylinder
fill3Draw filled 3-D polygons in 3-space
plot3Plot lines and points in 3-D space
quiver33-D quiver (or velocity) plot
sliceVolumetric slice plot
sphereGenerate sphere
stem3Plot discrete surface data
waterfallWaterfall plot

Plot Annotation and Grids

clabelAdd contour labels to a contour plot
datetickDate formatted tick labels
gridGrid lines for 2-D and 3-D plots
gtextPlace text on a 2-D graph using a mouse
legendGraph legend for lines and patches
plotyyPlot graphs with Y tick labels on the left and right
titleTitles for 2-D and 3-D plots
xlabelX-axis labels for 2-D and 3-D plots
ylabelY-axis labels for 2-D and 3-D plots
zlabelZ-axis labels for 3-D plots

Surface, Mesh, and Contour Plots

contourContour (level curves) plot
contourcContour computation
contourfFilled contour plot
hiddenMesh hidden line removal mode
meshcCombination mesh/contourplot
mesh3-D mesh with reference plane
peaksA sample function of two variables
surf3-D shaded surface graph
surfaceCreate surface low-level objects
surfcCombination surf/contourplot
surfl3-D shaded surface with lighting
trimeshTriangular mesh plot
trisurfTriangular surface plot

Domain Generation

griddataData gridding and surface fitting
meshgridGeneration of X and Y arrays for 3-D plots

Specialized Plotting

areaArea plot
box Axis box for 2-D and 3-D plots
cometComet plot
compassCompass plot
errorbarPlot graph with error bars
ezplotEasy to use function plotter
featherFeather plot
fillDraw filled 2-D polygons
fplotPlot a function
paretoPareto chart
pie33-D pie plot
plotmatrixScatter plot matrix
pcolorPseudocolor (checkerboard) plot
rosePlot rose or angle histogram
quiverQuiver (or velocity) plot
ribbonRibbon plot
stairsStairstep graph
scatterScatter plot
scatter33-D scatter plot
stemPlot discrete sequence data
convhullConvex hull
delaunayDelaunay triangulation
dsearchSearch Delaunay triangulation for nearest point
inpolygonTrue for points inside a polygonal region
polyareaArea of polygon
tsearchSearch for enclosing Delaunay triangle
voronoiVoronoi diagram

View Control

camdollyMove camera position and target
camlookatView specific objects
camorbitOrbit about camera target
campanRotate camera target about camera position
camposSet or get camera position
camprojSet or get projection type
camrollRotate camera about viewing axis
camtargetSet or get camera target
camupSet or get camera up-vector
camvaSet or get camera view angle
camzoomZoom camera in or out
daspectSet or get data aspect ratio
pbaspectSet or get plot box aspect ratio
view3-D graph viewpoint specification.
viewmtxGenerate view transformation matrices
xlimSet or get the current x-axis limits
ylimSet or get the current y-axis limits
zlimSet or get the current z-axis limits


camlightCerate or position Light
diffuseDiffuse reflectance
lightingLighting mode
materialMaterial reflectance mode
specularSpecular reflectance

Color Operations

brightenBrighten or darken color map
bwcontrContrasting black and/or color
caxisPseudocolor axis scaling
colorbarDisplay color bar (color scale)
colorcubeEnhanced color-cube color map
colordefSet up color defaults
colormapSet the color look-up table
graymonGraphics figure defaults set for grayscale monitor
hsv2rgbHue-saturation-value to red-green-blue conversion
rgb2hsvRGB to HSVconversion
rgbplotPlot color map
shadingColor shading mode
spinmapSpin the colormap
surfnorm3-D surface normals
whitebgChange axes background color for plots


autumnShades of red and yellow color map
boneGray-scale with a tinge of blue color map
contrastGray color map to enhance image contrast
coolShades of cyan and magenta color map
copperLinear copper-tone color map
flagAlternating red, white, blue, and black color map
grayLinear gray-scale color map
hotBlack-red-yellow-white color map
hsvHue-saturation-value (HSV) color map
jet Variant of HSV
linesLine color colormap
prismColormap of prism colors
springShades of magenta and yellow color map
summer    Shades of green and yellow colormap
winterShades of blue and green color map


frameeditCreate or edit printframes
hardcopySave figure window to file
orient Hardcopy paper orientation
printPrint graph or save graph to file
printoptConfigure local printer defaults
savtonerModify graphic objects to print on a white background

Handle Graphics, General

copyobjMake a copy of a graphics object and its children
findobjFind objects with specified property values
gcboReturn object whose callback is currently executing
gco Return handle of current object
get Get object properties
rotateRotate objects about specified origin and direction
ishandleTrue for graphics objects
set Set object properties

Handle Graphics, Object Creation

axesCreate Axes object
figureCreate Figure (graph) windows
imageCreate Image (2-D matrix)
lightCreate Light object (illuminates Patch and Surface)
lineCreate Line object (3-D polylines)
patchCreate Patch object (polygons)
surfaceCreate Surface (quadrilaterals)
textCreate Text object (character strings)
uicontextCreate context menu (popup associated with object)

Handle Graphics, Figure Windows

captureScreen capture of the current figure
clc Clear figure window
clf Clear figure
clg Clear figure (graph window)
closeClose specified window
gcf Get current figure handle
newplotGraphics M-file preamble for NextPlot property
refreshRefresh figure

Handle Graphics, Axes

axisPlot axis scaling and appearance
cla Clear Axes
gca Get current Axes handle

Object Manipulation

propeditEdit all properties of any selected object
resetReset axis or figure
rotate3d Interactively rotate the view of a 3-D plot
selectmoveresizeInteractively select, move, or resize objects
shg Show graph window

Interactive User Input

ginputGraphical input from a mouse or cursor
zoomZoom in and out on a 2-D plot

Region of Interest

dragrectDrag XOR rectangles with mouse
drawnowComplete any pending drawing
rbboxRubberband box

Graphical User Interface Creation

Dialog Boxes

dialogCreate a dialog box
errordlgCreate error dialog box
helpdlgDisplay help dialog box
inputdlgCreate input dialog box
listdlgCreate list selection dialog box
msgboxCreate message dialog box
pagedlgDisplay page layout dialog box
printdlgDisplay print dialog box
questdlgCreate question dialog box
uigetfileDisplay dialog box to retrieve name of file for reading
uiputfileDisplay dialog box to retrieve name of file for writing
uisetcolorInteractively set a ColorSpec using a dialog box
uisetfontInteractively set a font using a dialog box
warndlgCreate warning dialog box

User Interface Objects

menuGenerate a menu of choices for user input
menueditMenu editor
uicontextmenuCreate context menu
uicontrolCreate user interface control
uimenuCreate user interface menu

Other Functions

dragrectDrag rectangles with mouse
gcboReturn handle of object whose callback is executing
rbboxCreate rubberband box for area selection
selectmoveresizeSelect, move, resize, or copy Axes and Uicontrol graphics objects
textwrapReturn wrapped string matrix for given Uicontrol
uiresumeUsed with uiwait, controls program execution
uiwaitUsed with uiresume, controls program execution
waitbarDisplay wait bar
waitforbuttonpressWait for key/buttonpress over figure

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