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elseif    See Also

Conditionally execute statements



The elseif command conditionally executes statements.

The second block of statements executes if the first expression has any zero elements and the second expression has all nonzero elements. The expression is usually the result of

where rop is ==, <, >, <=, >=, or ~=.

else if, with a space between the else and the if, differs from elseif, with no space. The former introduces a new, nested, if, which must have a matching end. The latter is used in a linear sequence of conditional statements with only one terminating end.

The two segments

produce identical results. Exactly one of the four assignments to x is executed, depending upon the values of the three logical expressions, A, B, and C.

See Also

break       Terminate execution of for or while loop

else        Conditionally execute statements

end         Terminate for, while, and if statements and indicate the last index

for         Repeat statements a specific number of times

if          Conditionally execute statements

return      Return to the invoking function

switch      Switch among several cases based on expression

while       Repeat statements an indefinite number of times

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