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dbstatus    See Also

List all breakpoints



dbstatus, by itself, lists all breakpoints in effect including error, warning, and naninf.

dbstatus function displays a list of the line numbers for which breakpoints are set in the specified M-file.

s = dbstatus(...) returns the breakpoint information in an m-by-1 structure with the fields:

name function name

line vector of breakpoint line numbers

cond condition string (error, warning, or naninf)

Use dbstatus class/function or dbstatus private/function or
dbstatus class/private/function to determine the status for methods, private functions, or private methods (for a class named class). In all of these forms you can further qualify the function name with a subfunction name as in
dbstatus function/subfunction.

See Also

dbclear     Clear breakpoints

dbcont      Resume execution

dbdown      Change local workspace context (down)

dbquit      Quit debug mode

dbstack     Display function call stack

dbstep      Execute one or more lines from a breakpoint

dbstop      Set breakpoints in an M-file function

dbtype      List M-file with line numbers

dbup        Change local workspace context (up)

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