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strcat    Examples   See Also

String concatenation



t = strcat(s1,s2,s3,...) horizontally concatenates corresponding rows of the character arrays s1, s2, s3, etc. The trailing padding is ignored. All the inputs must have the same number of rows (or any can be a single string). When the inputs are all character arrays, the output is also a character array.

When any of the inputs is a cell array of strings, strcat returns a cell array of strings formed by concatenating corresponding elements of s1,s2, etc. The inputs must all have the same size (or any can be a scalar). Any of the inputs can also be a character array.


Given two 1-by-2 cell arrays a and b,

the command t = strcat(a,b) yields:

Given the 1-by-1 cell array c = {`Q'}, the command t = strcat(a,b,c) yields:


strcat and matrix operation are different for strings that contain trailing spaces:

See Also

cat         Concatenate arrays

cellstr     Create cell array of strings from character array

strvcat     Vertical concatenation of strings

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