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squeeze | Examples See Also |
B = squeeze(A)
B = squeeze(A)
returns an array B
with the same elements as A
, but with all singleton dimensions removed. A singleton dimension is any dimension for which size(A,dim) = 1
Consider the 2-by-1-by-3 array Y = rand(2,1,3)
. This array has a singleton column dimension -- that is, there's only one column per page.
Y = Y(:,:,1) = Y(:,:,2) = 0.5194 0.0346 0.8310 0.0535 Y(:,:,3) = 0.5297 0.6711The command
Z = squeeze(Y)
yields a 2-by-3 matrix:
Z = 0.5194 0.0346 0.5297 0.8310 0.0535 0.6711
Reshape array
Shift dimensions