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sortrows | Examples See Also |
B = sortrows(A) B = sortrows(A,column) [B,index] = sortrows(A)
B = sortrows(A)
sorts the rows of A
as a group in ascending order. Argument A
must be either a matrix or a column vector.
For strings, this is the familiar dictionary sort. When A
is complex, the elements are sorted by magnitude, and, where magnitudes are equal, further sorted by phase angle on the interval B = sortrows(A,column)
sorts the matrix based on the columns specified in the vector column
. For example, sortrows(A,[2 3])
sorts the rows of A
by the second column, and where these are equal, further sorts by the third column.
[B,index] = sortrows(A)
also returns an index vector index
If A
is a column vector, then B = A(index)
If A
is an m
matrix, then B = A(index,:)
Given the 5-by-5 string matrix,
A = ['one ';'two ';'three';'four ';'five '];The commands B = sortrows(A) and C = sortrows(A,1) yield
B = C = five four four five one one three two two three
Sort elements in ascending order