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spdiags    Examples   See Also

Extract and create sparse band and diagonal matrices



The spdiags function generalizes the function diag. Four different operations, distinguished by the number of input arguments, are possible:

[B,d] = spdiags(A) extracts all nonzero diagonals from the m-by-n matrix A. B is a min(m,n)-by-p matrix whose columns are the p nonzero diagonals of A. d is a vector of length p whose integer components specify the diagonals in A.

B = spdiags(A,d) extracts the diagonals specified by d.

A = spdiags(B,d,A) replaces the diagonals specified by d with the columns of B. The output is sparse.

A = spdiags(B,d,m,n) creates an m-by-n sparse matrix by taking the columns of B and placing them along the diagonals specified by d.


If a column of B is longer than the diagonal it's replacing, spdiags takes elements from B's tail.


The spdiags function deals with three matrices, in various combinations, as both input and output:

An m-by-n matrix, usually (but not necessarily) sparse, with its nonzero or specified elements located on p diagonals.
A min(m,n)-by-p matrix, usually (but not necessarily) full, whose columns are the diagonals of A.
A vector of length p whose integer components specify the diagonals in A.

Roughly, A, B, and d are related by

Some elements of B, corresponding to positions outside of A, are not defined by these loops. They are not referenced when B is input and are set to zero when B is output.


This example generates a sparse tridiagonal representation of the classic second difference operator on n points.

Turn it into Wilkinson's test matrix (see gallery):

Finally, recover the three diagonals:

The second example is not square.

Here m = 7, n = 4, and p = 3.

The statement [B,d] = spdiags(A) produces d = [-3 0 2]' and

Conversely, with the above B and d, the expression spdiags(B,d,7,4) reproduces the original A.

See Also

diag        Diagonal matrices and diagonals of a matrix

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