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Write QuickTime movie file to disk



qtwrite(d,siz,map,'filename') writes the indexed image deck d with size siz and colormap map to the QuickTime movie file 'filename'. If 'filename' already exists, it will be replaced.

qtwrite(mov,map,'filename') writes the MATLAB movie matrix mov with colormap map to the QuickTime movie file 'filename'.

qtwrite(...,options) can be used to set the frame rate, spacial quality, and compressor type:

options(1): frame rate (frames per second) (10 fps default)

options(2): compressor type:

1 - video (default), 2 - jpeg, 3 - animation

options(3): spacial quality:

1 - minimum, 2 - low, 3 - normal (default), 4 - high,

5 - maximum, 6 - lossless

qtwrite requires QuickTime and works only on the Macintosh.

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