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recordsound    Examples


Record sound



y = recordsound(seconds) records a monophonic sound for seconds number of seconds at the lowest sampling rate (usually 11 or 22 kHz) and highest resolution (usually 8 or 16 bits) that the Macintosh supports.

y = recordsound(seconds,samplerate) records a sound at a sampling rate greater than or equal to samplerate, or at the maximum sampling rate that the Macintosh supports.

y = recordsound(seconds,numchannels) records a sound with
numchannels (usually 1 or 2) channels. If numchannels is 2 and the Macintosh does not support stereo recording, a monophonic sound is recorded instead.

y = recordsound(seconds,samplerate,numchannels) records a sound a the specified sampling rate and with the specified number of channels.


y = recordsound(10)

y = recordsound(5,22050)

y = recordsound(5,2)

y = recordsound(5,44100,2)

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