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Evaluate functions of a matrix
Y = funm(X,'function
') [Y,esterr] = funm(X,'function
Y = funm(X,'function
evaluates function
using Parlett's method [1]. X
must be a square matrix, and function
any element-wise function.
The commands funm(X,'sqrt')
and funm(X,'log')
are equivalent to the commands sqrtm(X)
and logm(X)
. The commands funm(X,'exp')
and expm(X)
compute the same function, but by different algorithms. expm(X)
is preferred.
[Y,esterr] = funm(X,'function
does not print any message, but returns a very rough estimate of the relative error in the computer result. If X
is symmetric or Hermitian, then its Schur form is diagonal, and funm
is able to produce an accurate result.
The statements
S = funm(Xproduce the same results to within roundoff error as,
'sin'); C = funm(X,
E = expm(i*X); C = real(E); S = imag(E);In either case, the results satisfy
S*S+C*C = I
, where I
The matrix functions are evaluated using Parlett's algorithm, which is described in [1]. The algorithm uses the Schur factorization of the matrix and may give poor results or break down completely when the matrix has repeated eigenvalues. A warning message is printed when the results may be inaccurate.
Matrix exponential
Matrix logarithm
Matrix square root