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besselj, bessely    Examples   See Also

Bessel functions



The differential equation

where is a nonnegative constant, is called Bessel's equation, and its solutions are known as Bessel functions.

and form a fundamental set of solutions of Bessel's equation for noninteger . is defined by:

is a second solution of Bessel's equation--linearly independent of -- defined by:


J = besselj(nu,Z) computes Bessel functions of the first kind, for each element of the complex array Z. The order nu need not be an integer, but must be real. The argument Z can be complex. The result is real where Z is positive.

If nu and Z are arrays of the same size, the result is also that size. If either input is a scalar, it is expanded to the other input's size. If one input is a row vector and the other is a column vector, the result is a two-dimensional table of function values.

Y = bessely(nu,Z) computes Bessel functions of the second kind, for real, nonnegative order nu and argument Z.

[J,ierr] = besselj(nu,Z) and [Y,ierr] = bessely(nu,Z) also return an array of error flags.

ierr = 1
Illegal arguments.

ierr = 2
Overflow. Return Inf.

ierr = 3
Some loss of accuracy in argument reduction.

ierr = 4
Unacceptable loss of accuracy, Z or nu too large.

ierr = 5
No convergence. Return NaN.


The Bessel functions are related to the Hankel functions, also called Bessel functions of the third kind:

where is besselj, and is bessely. The Hankel functions also form a fundamental set of solutions to Bessel's equation (see besselh).


besselj(3:9,(0:.2:10)') generates the entire table on page 398 of Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions.


The besselj and bessely functions use a Fortran MEX-file to call a library developed by D. E. Amos [3] [4].

See Also

airy        Airy functions

besseli, besselk  Modified Bessel functions


[1] Abramowitz, M. and I.A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, Applied Math. Series #55, Dover Publications, 1965, sections 9.1.1, 9.1.89 and 9.12, formulas 9.1.10 and 9.2.5.

[2] Carrier, Krook, and Pearson, Functions of a Complex Variable: Theory and Technique, Hod Books, 1983, section 5.5.

[3] Amos, D. E., "A Subroutine Package for Bessel Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order," Sandia National Laboratory Report, SAND85-1018, May, 1985.

[4] Amos, D. E., "A Portable Package for Bessel Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order," Trans. Math. Software, 1986.

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