Math 110.417 - Partial Differential Equations

Lecture Schedule and Homework Assignments | General Information and Syllabus

Instructor:     Fei Lu [ feilu##   ( ## = ]
Class meets:   TTh, 3-4:15, Croft Hall G02.
Office Hours: Tue 2-3; Thr 8:00-9:00 (TBD),   Krieger 218 
TA : Lam Doan, ldoan5- at -              

Textbook:  Richard Haberman .   Applied Partial Differential Equations, Fourth Edition.
                  (Plan to cover Chapters 1-5 and 7, and selected material from Chapters 10, 12,  and others. If you have another edition, please check if the homework assignments agree.)
                  Sandro Salsa, Gianmaria Verzini (SV) .   Partial Differential Equations in Action: From Modelling to Theory. Fourth Edition.

Grading Policy: homework   (20%), Quiz (20%),   midterm exams (30%) and a final (30%).  No make-ups on homework or exams.  See General Information and Syllabus for details and information on getting help.

Please turn in homework assignments in the following format: Announcements: 
Jan.21: The Directed Reading Program is an effort, run by graduate students in our department, designed to allow undergraduate students to experience mathematics beyond the standard curriculum and to expose them to what doing and learning mathematics might feel like. To that end, the program pairs undergraduate students with graduate student mentors for one-on-one weekly meetings. The program culminates in short presentations given by the undergraduates at an end-of-semester party open to all. Moreover, students can earn 1 mathematics credit by successfully completing the program.

Tentative schedule ( Most of the content will be updated before each class )
week Topics Sections Homework Due Other
1/21, 1/23 Heat equation: derivation
Boundary conditions
§1.1-5 LecNote LecNote hw1: 1.2.9ab, 1.4.1g, 1.4.11, 1.5.3
For 1.5.3(b): show that the two vectors are orthogonal and normal.
Recommend: 3Blue1Brown@Youtube What is a partial differential equation?
Video in class: Heat Flow in a Non-uniform Rod
1/28, 1/30 Separation of variables
Heat equation
§2.1-4; Quiz 1
hw2: 2.2.4, 2.3.2(c), 2.3.3(b), 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.4.1(b), 2.4.6 2/4
2/4,2/6 Laplace equation
Minimax Principle and energy method
§2.5,3.1; Quiz 2
hw3: 2.5.1(d), 2.5.5(b),2.5.10, 3.2.2(d)(g) 2/11
2/11, 2/13 Fourier series
Term by term differentiation
§3.3-4 ; Quiz 3
hw4: 3.3.1b, 3.3.2c, 3.3.5c,3.3.18,3.4.1, 3.4.6, 3.4.7
Video in class: Gibbs Phenonmenon (Hojun Lee's simulation)
2/18, 2/20 Fourier series: complex form
Inhomogeneous Problems
§8.2-3 ; Quiz 4
LecNoteTu LecNoteTr
hw5: 3.5.1ab, 3.5.2a,3.5.5,3.4.11,8.2.2d, 8.3.6 2/25
2/25, 2/27 Wave equation §4.1-5 ; Quiz 5
hw6: 4.2.1a, 4.3.1,4.4.3b,4.4.4, 4.4.7, 4.4.12
Video in class: Wave equation (Hojun Lee's simulation)
3/4, 3/6 Sturm-Liouville problem
Self-adjoint operator
§5.1-5 ; Quiz 6
hw7: 5.3.3, 5.3.4 ac, 5.3.5, 5.3.8, 5.3.9, 5.4.5
Video in class: Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem and its Numerical Solution
3/11, 3/13 Midterm Review Midterm 3/13 Midterm sample solution
3/18, 3/20 Spring Break;
3/25, 3/27 Sturm-Liouville theorem
Rayleigh quotient, Robin BC
§5.5-8; Quiz 7
hw8: 5.5.1cef, 5.5.8, 5.6.1a,5.6.2, 5.8.1b, 5.8.8abd, 5.8.9, 4/1
4/1, 4/3 Approximation properties
Higher dimensional PDEs
§5.10; Quiz 8
LecNote LecNote 4/7
hw9: 5.10.2a, 5.10.3, 5.10.7
Video in class: Mean square error
4/8, 4/10 Higher dimensional PDEs
Bessel functions   
Fourier Transform
§7.2-7; Quiz 9 LecNote
§10.2-3 LecNotes
hw10: 7.3.3, 7.4.1, 7.5.9, 7.6.4,7.7.10,7.7.12b
Video in class: Vibrating membrane (Qingci An's simulation)
4/15, 4/17 Fourier Transform
Green's function
§10.3-5 ; Quiz 10 LecNotes hw11: 10.3.13,10.4.4,10.4.8, 10.5.1,10.5.12
4/22,4/24 Green's function
§9.2-3; Quiz 11 hw12: 10.6.10,10.6.11c, 9.2.1ab, 9.3.2,9.3.3, 9.3.4
Hw12 is not collected. But it will be covered by Quiz11.
4/28-5/2 Reading week.
Final Exam, Wed. May 7th, 9am-12pm.

Coverage: ALL. 60% credits for material after midterm.