Select desired tab:

Preferences - Editor

Use this panel to configure your MATLAB M-File Editor preferences.

Choose the font to use in new MATLAB M-File Editor documents.
Choose the font size to use in new MATLAB M-File Editor documents.
Set the number of spaces that a tab represents in the MATLAB Editor.
Set the font style as bold in new MATLAB M-File Editor documents.
Set the font style as italic in new MATLAB M-File Editor documents.
Turn on automatic indenting in the MATLAB M-File Editor.
Turn on smart indenting in the MATLAB M-File Editor.
Turn on the line number display in the MATLAB M-File Editor.
Turn on the M-File Editor Window Toolbar.
Substitute spaces for tabs in the MATLAB M-File Editor.
Display the current M-File Editor.
Select an editor of your choice to use in place of the Built-in MATLAB Editor.
Use the Built-in MATLAB M-File Editor.
Accept all changes to all tab panels and close the window.
Cancel all changes to all tab panels and close the window.

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