Math 302, Differential Equations JHU

Math 302X
- HW3.pdf
- Statement on Disabilities
- Statement on Ethics
- Homework
- Java Tools
- An example of a circuit
- An example of a circuit
- An example of a circuit
- An Application to Population Dynamics
- An application to Population Dynamics
- Slope Field Calculator
- ODE 2D Calculator
- ODE 2D Calculator
- ODE 3D Calculator
- ODE 3D Calculator
- Slope Field Calculator
- Slope Field Calculator
- Solution Verifier
- Solution Verifier 2D
- Solution Verifier 2D
- Solution Verifier
- A Lotke-Volterra System
- A Lotke-Volterra system
- Labor Managed Oligopoly - Two firms
- ODE 3D Calculator
- 2D Map Calculator
- A model of sunami
- A model of sunami
- The three body problem
- The two body problem
- The two body problem
- Van der Pol Equation
- Van der Pol Equation
- List of parameters of the JOde Applet
- Browser test
+ Generated Documentation (Untitled)
- ODE 2D Calculator
+ Using Marek Rychliks's Applet for Euler's Method
- JOde Manual Page
- JOde - An Applet for Studying Ordinary Differential Equations
- ODE 2D Calculator
- Syllabus
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Solution Verifier

If you have a formula y = f(x0, y0, x) which expresses the solution in terms of the initial condition, you can plug it in the applet and see if blue curves (numerical solutions) coincide with red curves (obtained from your formula). You can also use this method to verify whether your formula holds for some particular initial conditions.

View Instructions on using the Applet

Marek Rychlik (

Author's Home Page:


This page last modified Sun Sep 12 12:32:31 2004
Questions? Comments? Please send feedback to jason howald