Math 302, Differential Equations JHU

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- An example of a circuit
- An example of a circuit
- An example of a circuit
- An Application to Population Dynamics
- An application to Population Dynamics
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- ODE 2D Calculator
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- ODE 3D Calculator
- ODE 3D Calculator
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- Slope Field Calculator
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- Solution Verifier 2D
- Solution Verifier 2D
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- A Lotke-Volterra system
- Labor Managed Oligopoly - Two firms
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- A model of sunami
- The three body problem
- The two body problem
- The two body problem
- Van der Pol Equation
- Van der Pol Equation
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+ Using Marek Rychliks's Applet for Euler's Method
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An example of a circuit

This circuit has a diode in it which acts as a resistor with resistance R1=10 ohms if the current through it is positive and R2=10000 ohms otherwise. The voltage is E(t)=110*cos(w*t) where w=2*PI*60. From Kirchoff's laws we obtain:

I1 + I2 + I3 = 0
L*dI1/dt - RD*I2 = E(t)
Q/C + RD*I2 + R * I3 = 0
dQ/dt = I3
RD = R1 if I2>0 and R2 if I2 < 0
I2 = -I1 - I3 = -I1 - dQ/dt
and we can eliminate I2 from the second and third equation:
L*dI1/dt - RD*(-I1 - dQ/dt) = E(t) 
Q/C + RD * (-I1 - dQ/dt) + R * (dQ/dt) = 0

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This page last modified Sun Sep 12 12:32:06 2004
Questions? Comments? Please send feedback to jason howald