Array Editor

The Macintosh Array Editor is invoked by double-clicking an icon in the Workspace Browser. The Array Editor can be used to view and edit 2-dimensional real and complex double arrays, row vector character arrays, and row or column vector cell arrays of strings. If a variable's type is not supported by the Array Editor, then double clicking on the variable in the Workspace Browser displays the variable in the Command Window. This tool can be especially useful when debugging m-functions using the M-File Debugger.

Editing Cells

To edit the contents of a cell, simply select the cell and begin typing. When editing a double array, both values and expressions can be entered. If an expression is entered, it will be evaluated, and the result will be placed in the cell. When editing character arrays or cell arrays of strings, any text that is typed will be placed in the string.

Edit Menu/Toolbar

The Array Editor supports Cut, Copy, and Paste operations on selections in the window. The data is placed on the clipboard as tab-delimited text, so it can be pasted into other applications.

Undo of in-cell edits is supported. Undo of Cut and Paste operations is not supported in this release.

Format Popup

The Format popup menu allows you to change the format of the output display as if you were using the format command. Supported formats include short, short e, short g, long, long e, and long g.

Changing Row/Column Order

Column and Row titles can be dragged within the window to change the order of columns and rows in the array.

Variable Scope Information

In addition to the name of the variable, the window title contains information about the scope of the variable, including the name of the workspace containing the variable, and, in the case of variables inside m functions, the level of the stack.

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