Professor: W. Stephen Wilson, Krieger 421, (410) 516-7413,
Office hours: Tues and Wed, 10-10:50.
Textbook: Vector Calculus, Fifth Edition, by Marsden and Tromba.
All registration issues such as getting into the class or changing sections are handled by the the math dept. The teaching assistants and I are not allowed to sign anything in this regard. Go to Sabrina Raymond in the math dept and she can help you. You will get into the course.
Here is a page of useful supportive materials for the course, things like how to study math etc. It has grown and become cluttered so I wanted to get it off the main page.
Syllabus and General facts of life for the course for the Fall of 2007.
Weekly homework, reading assignments, and general announcements will be here.
The first exam went exceptionally well! 2 scored the highest possible 41 points and the average was 27.5. The distribution is HERE. A graph of the scores is HERE. And a copy of the exam is HERE.
Exam # 2 had a class average of 13 out of 28. The distribution graph for Exam # 2. The high score was 27 out of 28 and there were a couple of 26's. This exam. The distribution is HERE.
The Final Exam had a class average of 17.67 out of 30. There were those who scored 29. The distribution graph for the final. This final. The distribution is HERE.