Supportive Material for Linear Algebra.

There is a lecture I give to many students one-on-one every semester when they get into trouble. It is about how to read a math book, i.e. basic study skills. I recommend it for all my students. How to read a math book.

Something well worth looking at is the Mathematics Survival Guide.

This could explain a lot: Why Students Think They Understand - When They Don't.

For those who want to learn Matlab in relation to this material you can go here.

I have taught the course several times now. The web pages for those versions of the course have the old exams for those semesters on them. Spring 2003 Fall 2003 Spring 2004

The department's exam archive for this course is Math Dept Linear Algebra Exam Archive. The site is a bit of a mess but I don't have any control over it. Poke around and you'll find some old exams.

Another very nice resource for the course is the web page for the course last summer.

There are a number of really pretty computer aids which can help you get a feel for the material in this course. The tools are at TOOLS. The required plugins used to be located at PLUGINS. but they are not there anymore. Perhaps if you poke around at the next site or on google you'll find what you need. Another web site which might have the same thing in a more, or less, organized fashion: OPTION. These are really pretty neat and if you get them working then you can play with them til your heart's content. The ones which are perhaps most interesting to our linear algebra class are LinearMatrixTrace, LinearParameters, and LinearTransform.