Professor: W. Stephen Wilson, Krieger 421, (410) 516-7413,
Textbook: Linear Algebra with Applications, Third Edition, by Otto Bretscher
Syllabus and General facts of life for the course.
You will have a class on Friday, Sept 3. The TA will go over Appendix A which you are required to read on your own. While you are at it you should read Sections 1.1 and 1.2 before class on Tuesday Sept 7.
Here is a page of useful supportive materials for the course, things like how to study math etc. It has grown and become cluttered so I wanted to get it off the main page. In particular, it has links to all my previous course home pages for linear algebra. On those pages are all the old exams.
Every semester I have taught this course some natural disaster happens like a hurricane or a big snow storm and classes get canceled. If classes get canceled than you are to read the appropriate material (like you are supposed to do anyway) and when you come to the next class we will just pretend it happened and we all learned what was supposedly lectured on.
Problem set assignments:
When they pulled the second edition off the market and replaced it with the third edition they forgot to notice that they didn't really have the third edition done. In particular, they didn't have the Student Solution Manual for for the odd problems done. Anyway, we fussed and they put it on the web. So, here is the Student Solution Manual for the Third Edition.
Everyone should come to Krieger 205 for the exam and if we don't have room we'll move some out.
The exam went very well and the class did well. Congratulations. The total number of points on the First Exam was 61. Here is the class distribution.
As you should know (see above), the published pulled the second edition of our book off the market and sold us all the third edition but forgot to finish the solution manuals and stuff. I've fussed at them and they have now given us a few preliminary copies. Some will be on reserve in the library and some will be in the help room. They didn't give us enough for everyone.
The Second Exam. Here is the class distribution.
Problem Set Number 12. This is our last problem set, due Dec 3.
The exam went very well and the class did well. Congratulations. Here is the class distribution . for the final..
I will have office hours Friday at 1pm for anyone who needs to see their final. I will be there at 1 but leave when I run out of people. It is best to email me before you come so I'll expect you.