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Known Software Problems and Limitations
directory is located. This is due to new cross-frame security restrictions in Internet Explorer 4. You can, however, access the same information through the Help Desk.
You must recompile any S-functions written using a version of Simulink® 2.0.
Any S-function that indicates it has no inputs and/or outputs causes Simulink to remove the corresponding port or ports from the S-Function block icon. This behavior is different than in Simulink 2.0.
The ability to use a block diagram as an S-function is not implemented in Simulink 2.0. There is no workaround; work is in progress to reimplement this functionality or an equivalent for a later release.
The status bar does not accurately show the elapsed simulation time and progress bar.
If your computer has an MGA Matrox board, you might find that some circles (Simulink block outlines) are drawn in the wrong window when opaque dragging is in effect and you drag a window over a Simulink model window. If this is the case, right-click on the desktop, select the Properties item from the pop-up menu, and then the MGA Settings tab. Select the Advanced option, and then the Performance tab. Do not select the Circle and Ellipse Acceleration option.
Microsoft Windows and Lost Windows
Microsoft Windows users may find that an open window does not appear on the desktop because that window's position is beyond the bounds defined by the size of the monitor. You can display all open windows by selecting an option from the bar that appears along the bottom of the desktop. Right-click either on an unoccupied area or on the clock on that bar. Then, select either Cascade, Tile Horizontally, or Tile Vertically. These options display all windows on the desktop.Printing on Microsoft Windows 95
On Microsoft Windows 95, Simulink's Printer Setup dialog fails to set the paper orientation for printing block diagrams. To set paper orientation, select Print... from the Simulink File menu and then select "Properties" on the resulting Print dialog.