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Chapter 2
MATLAB Compiler 1.2

Known Software Problems and Limitations

This section describes known software problems and limitations for the MATLAB Compiler 1.2.

Compatibility Release

Version 1.2 of the MATLAB Compiler is a compatibility release that brings the MATLAB Compiler into compliance with MATLAB 5. Although the Compiler works with MATLAB 5, it does not support many of the new features of MATLAB 5. Specifically unsupported are:

Some of the restrictions in Version 1.1 of the Compiler have been removed or changed for Version 1.2. For a complete list of restrictions, see the MATLAB Compiler User's Guide, Version 1.2.

Watcom 10.6 Compiler

If you are using Watcom 10.6, you cannot install MATLAB in a directory whose name contains special characters such as dashes or dollar signs. For example, installing MATLAB in a directory named matlab5-1-c would cause a failure because Watcom 10.6 truncates this directory name, causing problems when you try to build MEX-files.

Linking MFC Applications with the C++ Math Library

In order to allow Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) applications to link against the C++ Math Library, the MSVC version of the library is built against the multithreaded DLL versions of the MSVC runtime libraries. The impact of this change is as follows:

Change Required
Works the same.
MFC applications in the Visual C++ IDE
Use MFC as a DLL (the default).
MSVC Console applications in the Visual C++ IDE
Change the project settings for C/C++; go to the Project settings dialog, choose the C/C++ tab, then the Code generation item, and select either Multithreaded DLL or Debug Multithreaded DLL for Runtime Library.
Building from command line without mbuild
Use -MD switch when compiling.

Additionally, the MSVC runtime libraries, msvcrt.dll and msvcirt.dll, need to be distributed with any applications created with the C++ Math Library on Visual C++.

Runtime Errors Involving Operands

The Compiler may not always detect runtime errors involving incorrectly typed operands. If you suspect that an error might be occurring within your code, check the MATLAB version first. If the MATLAB version produces no errors, then the Compiler-generated code will work correctly.

ode Functions on 68K Macintosh

The 68K version of libmmfile does not contain the ode functions mlfOde113, mlfOde15s, mlfOde23, mlfOde23s, and mlfOde45. These functions are unavailable on the 68K platform.


The MATLAB Compiler User's Guide has been updated to reflect the current version of the Compiler. See <matlab>/toolbox/compiler/Readme.m for additional details about using the Compiler.

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