Some of these publications are protected by copyright; access is provided for noncommercial educational and research purposes only.
[1] W. S. Wilson and D.Q. Naiman. K-12 calculator usage and college grades. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 56:119–122, 2004.
[2] David Klein, with Bastiaan J. Braams, Thomas Parker, William Quirk, Wilfried Schmid, and W. Stephen Wilson. Technical assistance from Ralph A. Raimi and Lawrence Braden. Analysis by Justin Torres. Foreword by Chester E. Finn, Jr. The State of the State MATH Standards. Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, Washington, D.C., January 2005.
[3] W. S. Wilson. Short response to Tunis’s letter to the editor on technology in college. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 58:415–420, 2005.
[4] et al. K. Budd. Ten myths about math education and why you shouldn’t believe them. May 2005.
[5] Barbara Reys, Carolyn Baldree, Donna Taylor, and W. S. Wilson. Grade 6: Process and standards. In Johnny W. Lott and Kathleen Nishimura, editors, Standards & Curriculum: A view from the Nation, pages 29–32, Reston, Virginia, 2005. NCTM.
[6] Linda Plattner with W. S. Wilson. Washington state mathematics standards: Review and recommendations. On-line at Washington State Board of Education, August 2007.
[7] Linda Plattner with W. S. Wilson. A report to the Washington State Board of Education: Follow-up to Review and Recommendations. On-line at Washington State Board of Education, February 2008.
[8] Linda Plattner with W. S. Wilson. A report to the Washington State Board of Education: Second review of Washington K-12 mathematics standards. On-line at Washington State Board of Education, March 2008.
[9] Linda Plattner with W. S. Wilson. Revised K-8 mathematics standards, Washington state. On-line at Washington State Board of Education, April 2008.
[10] Linda Plattner with W. S. Wilson. Revised 9-12 mathematics standards, Washington state. On-line at Washington State Board of Education, July 2008.
[11] W. S. Wilson. What do college students know? Education Next, 8(4):88, Fall 2008. Unabridged version.
[12] W. S. Wilson. Review of mathematical soundness: Background notes for WA state curriculum study. On-line at Washington State Board of Education, October 2008.
[13] W. S. Wilson. Arithmetic, geometry, and calculus III. A comparison of arithmetic and geometry skills with Calculus III grades. The score distribution.
[14] W. S. Wilson. Elementary school mathematics priorities. AASA Journal of Scholarship & Practice, 6(1):40–49, Spring 2009. Also, a rebuttal and a preferred version.
[15] W. S. Wilson. Washington State High School Math Text Review. On-line at Washington State Board of Education. March 2009.
[16] G. Martino with W.S. Wilson. Doing the math: Are maryland’s high school math standards adding up to college success? Technical report, The Abell Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland, April 2009.
[17] Sheila Byrd Carmichael, W. Stephen Wilson, Chester E. Finn, Jr., Amber M. Winkler, and Stafford Palmieri. Stars by which to Navigate? Scanning National and International Education Standards in 2009. An Interim Report on Common Core, NAEP, TIMSS, and PISA. Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Washington, D.C., October 2009.
[18] Sheila Byrd Carmichael, W. Stephen Wilson, Gabrielle Martino, Chester E. Finn, Jr., Kathleen Porter-Magee, and Amber M. Winkler. Review of the Draft K-12 Common Core Standards. Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Washington, D.C., March 2010.
[19] Sheila Byrd Carmichael, Gabrielle Martino, Kathleen Porter-Magee, and W. Stephen Wilson with Daniela Fairchild, Elizabeth Haydel, Diana Senechal, and Amber M. Winkler. Foreword by Chester E. Finn, Jr., and Michael J. Petrilli. The State of State Standards–and the Common Core–in 2010. Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Washington, D.C., July 2010.
[20] W. S. Wilson. Arithmetic, division, calculus III and beyond. A look at long division among students and the consequences of not knowing it. September 2010.
[21] W. S. Wilson. In Defense of Mathematical Foundations. Education Leadership, 68(6):70–73, March 2011.
[22] G. Harel and W. S. Wilson. The state of high school textbooks. Notices of the AMS, 58(6):283–286, June/July 2011.
[23] W. S. Wilson. SBAC Math Specifications Don’t Add Up. Flypaper, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, September 19, 2011.
[24] W. S. Wilson. Arithmetic versus the elite. A detailed look at how top students do on a simple arithmetic test. December 2011.
[25] Z. Wurman and W.S. Wilson. The common core math standards. Education Next, 12(3), Summer 2012.
[26] W. S. Wilson. Review of Draft Texas Mathematics Standards 2012. Common Core Watch, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, April 17, 2012.
[27] Paul R. Gross with Lawrence S. Lerner, John Lynch, Martha Schwartz, Richard Schwartz, and W. Stephen Wilson. Foreword by Chester E. Finn, Jr. and Kathleen Porter-Magee. Commentary & Feedback on Draft I of the Next Generation Science Standards. Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Washington, D.C., June 2012.
[28] Paul R. Gross with Douglas Buttrey, Ursula Goodenough, Noretta Koertge, Lawrence S. Lerner, Martha Schwartz, and Richard Schwartz, Math Feedback provided by William Schmidt and W. Stephen Wilson. Foreword by Chester E. Finn, Jr. and Kathleen Porter-Magee. Commentary & Feedback on Draft II of the Next Generation Science Standards. Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Washington, D.C., January 2013.
[29] Alice Crary and W. Stephen Wilson. The Faulty Logic of the ‘Math Wars’. New York Times, New York, NY, June 16 2013.
[30] W. S. Wilson. Commentary on Appendix L: Alignment of the Next Generation Science Standards with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Washington, D.C., August 2013.
[31] W. S. Wilson. A little starter test for calculus 2. An analysis of a test given the first day of class. February 2014.
[32] W. Stephen Wilson. Advanced placement calculus is not college calculus. Nonpartisan Education Review, 14, 2018.