The grader, Shengwen Wang, will be in the help room (Krieger 213) every Friday from 9am to 11am. You can give your homework directly to him there if you want.
On the problem set, there are 3 points per problem. You have to have it all right to get all 3 points. A little bit wrong and you get 2 points. A little bit right and you get 1 point. All wrong is 0.
If there are parts to a problem with labels like (a), (b), and (c), then each one of these is worth 3 points.
If the answer is in the back of the book for a problem, you need to make sure that you show your work or prove your result, something you actually have to do for all the problems anyway. This is particularly true for computational problems.
Section 10.1, pages 132-3.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Section 10.2, page 138.
1, 2, 3