Elementary Number Theory

Alert: On Friday when you hand in your homework, you can put it through the slot in the door of the graduate student mail room on the second floor (Krieger 209). However, be sure and put the grader's name on your homework, i.e. put "to Shengwen Wang" on it.

The grader, Shengwen Wang, will be in the help room every Friday from 9am to 11am.

Reading assignment number 1: Chapter 1.

On the problem set, there are 3 points per problem. You have to have it all right to get all 3 points. A little bit wrong and you get 2 points. A little bit right and you get 1 point. All wrong is 0.

Problem set number 1, due noon, Friday, Sept 14.

Section 1.1, pages 6-8.

2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18

Note that 7 and 10 are proven in the book. You can use them, if needed, in the proofs of the other problems.

Section 1.2, page 11.

4, 5