Calculus II, 110.109, Fall 2011, W. Stephen Wilson
Problem Set Number 7, Due Tuesday or Thursday Oct 18 or 20.
These problems can be discussed in groups but must be handed in, AND WRITTEN UP INDEPENDENTLY, by each student. Keep in mind my warnings about how to learn in the Syllabus.
This set is due at the beginning of section. There will be a quiz in section on this material.
You should have already read 10.1-4 and should now read 7.8.
The quiz will be on 10.3 or 10.4.
There are 3 levels of problems for each set.
First, we have exercises (= recommended problems you don't have to hand in and have answers in the back of the book, highly likely this type of problem will show up on exams).
1, 3, 5, 13, 55
1, 3, 7
Second, homework (= problems that must be handed in and will be graded and count (over the semester) for 10% of the grade).
18, 20, 54, 58, 64
20, 22, 36, 40, 45
Third, bonus/challenge/extra credit problems (= these are only for volunteers, exceptional nerds, etc). Be sure you have done the exercises and homework first.
78(a) and 78(c)
44, 56
There was clearly something wrong with last week's problem set. I'm not clear exactly what happened. I must have been paging back and forth in the book, but it seems most of the things I assigned for 10.2, I really saw in 10.3.