Calculus II, 110.109, Fall 2011, W. Stephen Wilson
Problem Set Number 11, Due Tuesday or Thursday Nov 29 or Dec 1, AFTER THANKSGIVING.
These problems can be discussed in groups but must be handed in, AND WRITTEN UP INDEPENDENTLY, by each student. Keep in mind my warnings about how to learn in the Syllabus.
This set is due at the beginning of section. There will be a quiz in section on this material.
For the reading, you should finish up Chapter 11.
For Tuesday, Nov 22, there will be a quiz on Section 11.9 or the first part of 11.10.
There are 3 levels of problems for each set.
First, we have exercises (= recommended problems you don't have to hand in and have answers in the back of the book, highly likely this type of problem will show up on exams).
This is the most important material for half the final exam. The problem set is long more for guidance than anything. Keep in mind how much I like numbers and give special attention to those problems. I'll mark important problems as such. This applies to both the exercises and the problem set to be handed in.
15, 17, 19, 27, 29, 31, 33 (the last three are particularly important)
Since these are optional, if you have time, work 18 and 20 as well.
5, 7, 9, 13 (important), 19, 43 (important), 47, 49, 51 (important), 63, 65
Second, homework (= problems that must be handed in and will be graded and count (over the semester) for 10% of the grade).
22, 24 (don't add up first terms if you don't want to),
26, 28, 30, 32 (last two important)
8, 10, 14 (important, 16, 18, 20, 44 (important), 48, 50, 52, 54 (last two important), 64, 66
Third, bonus/challenge/extra credit problems (= these are only for volunteers, exceptional nerds, etc). Be sure you have done the exercises and homework first.
41, 42