Calculus II, 110.109, Fall 2010, W. Stephen Wilson

Problem Set Number 6, Due Thursday Oct 14. Okay, for technical reasons beyond our control, there is no section on Tuesday next week, only Thursday. Thursday people have to hand in their homework and take a quiz. On Thanksgiving week, it will be the other way around. There will be no section on Thursday, but Tuesday will have homework and a quiz. It all evens out.

I highly recommend that everyone, and that means Tuesday section people too, do the homework anyway, even though it doesn't get handed in.

These problems can be discussed in groups but must be handed in by each student. Keep in mind my warnings about how to learn in the Syllabus.

The reading assignment is 10.1-4 and 7.8.

This set is due at the beginning of section. There will be a quiz in section on this material.


Section 10.2.

6, 12, 20, 32, 42

Section 10.3.

2, 4, 6, 8, 18, 26, 42

Section 10.4.

4, 8, 12, 20, 26, 40