Course Information:

Course: Math 109 Calculus II
Professor: Valentin Zakharevich
Office: Krieger 218
Office Hours: Wednesday 2-4 or by appointment
Textbook: Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals (8th Edition), James Stewart

Section Lectures Recitation TA TA Office Hours
1 MWF 10:00-10:50 Shaffer 301 T 1:30 - 2:20 Shaffer 302 Naruki Masuda Friday 2-3 in Krieger 211
2 MWF 10:00-10:50 Shaffer 301 T 3:00 - 3:50 Shriver Hall 104 Naruki Masuda Friday 2-3 in Krieger 211
3 MWF 10:00-10:50 Shaffer 301 Th 4:30-5:20 Hodson 211 Jiayi Wang Tuesday 2-3pm in Krieger 211
4 MWF 11:00-11:50 Remsen Hall 1 Th 1:30 - 2:20 Shaffer 202 Qingci An Thursday 2:30-3:30 in Krieger 201
5 MWF 11:00-11:50 Remsen Hall 1 T 3:00 - 3:50 Maryland 309 Keaton Stubis Thursday 5-6 in Kreiger 201
6 MWF 11:00-11:50 Remsen Hall 1 T 1:30 - 2:20 Shaffer 202 Keaton Stubis Thursday 5-6 in Kreiger 201
7 MWF 11:00-11:50 Remsen Hall 1 Th 3:00 - 3:50 Shriver Hall 104 Xiaoqiang Elvin Meng Friday 3-4 in Krieger 207
8 MWF 11:00-11:50 Remsen Hall 1 Th 4:30 - 5:20 Gilman 119 Xiaoqiang Elvin Meng Friday 3-4 in Krieger 207

Pilot Problem Sets

Midterm 1 Practice Exam

Midterm 2 Practice Exam

Final Practice Exam

Series Convergence Flow Chart (courtesy of Joseph Cutrone)


The official department syllabus for this course can be found here.

This is the second course of a two semester calculus sequence. The syllabus for the first calculus course is here. You should make sure you are comfortable with most of the material from calculus 1.


There will be weekly homework assignments that need to be completed online on the Webwork platform at this link. You should receive the login information in an email on the first day of class (check the spam folder). Some instructions on how to use Webwork can be found here.

With few exceptions due to exams and holidays, most homework assignments will be due on Fridays at 8pm. The due time can be seen on the Webwork page as well as on the schedule page here. The answers to homework problems will be available a few days after the assignment is due. Two lowest homework grades will be dropped at the end of the semester.

There might be additional written homework assignments later in the semester.


There will be several short quizzes administered during discussion section consisting of a random problem from a recent homework assignment. You may use a formula sheet of your own handwriting in the size of an index card.You will need to show your work in order to get full credit. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.


All exams will be closed book. There will be no make-up exams. If you miss a mid-term exam and you have a valid excuse, the grade for this mid-term will be calculated as the average of the other two exams. Missed midterms without an excuse will count as 0.

Grading Policy

Homework - 20%
Quizzes - 10%
Mid-terms - 40%
Final - 30%

F D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+
[0,60) [60,67) [67,70) [70,73) [73,77) [77,80) [80,83) [83,87) [87,90) [90,93) [93,98) [98,100]

Useful resources

PILOT program

Peer-Led Team Learning

- Students are organized into small study teams who meet weekly to collaborate on faculty-developed problems-sets. Students work together as a team to solve problems.
- A trained student leader acts as captain and facilitates the weekly meetings using various strategies to foster a collaborative learning environment.
- Contact: Ariane Kelly - 410-516-4648; email

Math Help Room at Krieger 213
Learning Den

Learning Den Tutoring Program

- Small group, tailored tutoring of 6 students or less which is headed by one tutor. Visit the website (above) to schedule appointment online or walk-in. Meetings for this course: Monday's and Wednesday's from 5:00-6:30PM
- Tutors can assist with but are not limited to:
Review and strengthening of subject-specific material knowledge
Assist with homework-like problems
Course-specific study skills and exam preparation
Contact: 410-516-8216; email

The Study Consulting Program

The Study Consulting Program

Students work one-on-one with a study consultant to develop strategies for success. Areas addressed include but are not limited to:
Time management
Note taking and test preparation
Mastering large amounts of information
Contact: Dr. Sharleen Argamaso - 410-516-8216; email

Academic Advising

JHU Ethics Statement

The strength of the university depends on academic and personal integrity. In this course, you must be honest and truthful. Ethical violations include cheating on exams, plagiarism, reuse of assignments, improper use of the Internet and electronic devices, unauthorized collaboration, alteration of graded assignments, forgery and falsification, lying, facilitating academic dishonesty, and unfair competition. Report any violations you witness to the instructor. You may consult the associate dean of student conduct (or designee) by calling the Office of the Dean of Students at 410-516-8208 or via email at For more information, see the Homewood Student Affairs site on academic ethics:
or the e-catalog entry on the undergraduate academic ethics board:

Students with Disabilities

Any student with a disability who may need accommodations in this class must obtain an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services, 385 Garland, (410) 516-4720, To arrange for testing accommodation, remind the instructor and provide the letter from the Student Disability Services no later than 7 days before each exam.

Anxiety, Stress and Mental Health

If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, depression or other mental health related concerns, please consider visiting the JHU Counseling Center. If you are concerned about a friend, please encourage that person to seek out their services. The Counseling Center is located at 3003 North Charles Street in Suite S-200 and can be reached at 410-516-8278 and online at