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uisetfont    Examples   See Also

Modify font characteristics for objects interactively



uisetfont enables you to change font properties (FontName, FontUnits, FontSize, FontWeight, and FontAngle) for a Text, Axes, or Uicontrol object. The function returns a structure consisting of font properties and values. You can specify an alternate title for the dialog box.

uisetfont displays the dialog box and returns the selected font properties.

uisetfont(h) displays a dialog box, initializing the font property values with the values of those properties for the object whose handle is h. Selected font property values are applied to the current object. If a second argument is supplied, it specifies a name for the dialog box (ignored on the Macintosh).

uisetfont(S) displays a dialog box, initializing the font property values with the values defined for the specified structure (S). S must define legal values for one or more of these properties: FontName, FontUnits, FontSize, FontWeight, and FontAngle and the field names must match the property names exactly. If other properties are defined, they are ignored. If a second argument is supplied, it specifies a name for the dialog box (ignored on the Macintosh).

uisetfont('DialogTitle') displays a dialog box with the title DialogTitle and returns the values of the font properties selected in the dialog box. The Macintosh ignores this argument.

If a left-hand argument is specified, the properties FontName, FontUnits, FontSize, FontWeight, and FontAngle are returned as fields in a structure. If the user presses Cancel from the dialog box or if an error occurs, the output value is set to 0.


These statements create a Text object, then display a dialog box (labeled Update Font) that enables you to change the font characteristics:

These statements create two Uicontrol objects, then set the font properties of one based on the values set for the other:

See Also

axes, text, uicontrol

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