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inputdlg    Examples   See Also

Create input dialog box



answer = inputdlg(prompt) creates a modal dialog box and returns user inputs in the cell array. prompt is a cell array containing prompt strings.

answer = inputdlg(prompt,title) title specifies a title for the dialog box.

answer = inputdlg(prompt,title,lineNo) lineNo specifies the number of lines for each user entered value. lineNo can be a scalar, column vector, or matrix.

answer = inputdlg(prompt,title,lineNo,defAns) defAns specifies the default value to display for each prompt. defAns must contain the same number of elements as prompt and all elements must be strings.

answer = inputdlg(prompt,title,lineNo,defAns,Resize) Resize specifies whether or not the dialog box can be resized. Permissible values are 'on' and 'off' where 'on' means that the dialog box can be resized and that the dialog box is not modal.


Create a dialog box to input an integer and colormap name. Allow one line for each value.

See Also

textwrap, dialog, warndlg, helpdlg, questdlg, errordlg

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