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ddepoke    Examples   See Also

Send data to application



ddepoke sends data to an application via an established DDE conversation. ddepoke formats the data matrix as follows before sending it to the server application:

If you omit optional arguments that are not at the end of the argument list, you must substitute the empty matrix for the missing argument(s).


Return code: 0 indicates failure, 1 indicates success.
Conversation channel from ddeinit.
String specifying the DDE item for the data sent. Item is the server data entity that is to contain the data sent in the data argument.
Matrix containing the data to send.
format (optional)
Scalar specifying the format of the data requested. The value indicates the Windows clipboard format to use for the data transfer. The only format currently supported is cf_text, which corresponds to a value of 1.
timeout (optional)
Scalar specifying the time-out limit for this operation. timeout is specified in milliseconds. (1000 milliseconds = 1 second). The default value of timeout is three seconds.


Assume that a conversation channel with Excel has previously been established with ddeinit. To send a 5-by-5 identity matrix to Excel, placing the data in Row 1, Column 1 through Row 5, Column 5:

See Also

ddeadv      Set up advisory link

ddeexec     Send string for execution

ddeinit     Initiate DDE conversation

ddereq      Request data from application

ddeterm     Terminate DDE conversation

ddeunadv    Release advisory link

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