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camproj    See Also

Set or query the projection type



The projection type determines whether MATLAB uses a perspective or orthographic projection for 3-D views. (See the "View Projection Types" section in the Using MATLAB Graphics manual for illustrations.)

camproj with no arguments returns the projection type setting in the current axes.

camproj('projection_type') sets the projection type in the current axes to the specified value. Possible values for projection_type are: orthographic and perspective.

camproj(axes_handle,...) performs the set or query on the axes identified by the first argument, axes_handle. When you do not specify an axes handle, camproj operates on the current axes.


camproj sets or queries values of the Axes object Projection property.

See Also

campos, camtarget, camup, camva

The Axes properties CameraPosition, CameraTarget, CameraUpVector, CameraViewAngle, Projection

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