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brighten    Examples   See Also

Brighten or darken colormap



brighten increases or decreases the color intensities in a colormap. The modified colormap is brighter if 0 < beta < 1 and darker if -1 < beta < 0.

brighten(beta) replaces the current colormap with a brighter or darker colormap of essentially the same colors. brighten(beta), followed by brighten(-beta), where beta < 1, restores the original map.

brighten(h,beta) brightens all objects that are children of the Figure having the handle h.

newmap = brighten(beta) returns a brighter or darker version of the current colormap without changing the display.

newmap = brighten(cmap,beta) returns a brighter or darker version of the colormap cmap without changing the display.


Brighten then darken the current colormap:


The values in the colormap are raised to the power of gamma, where gamma is

brighten has no effect on graphics objects defined with true color.

See Also

colormap, rgbplot

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