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mxGetString | Examples See Also |
Copy a string mxArray's
data into a C-style string
#include "matrix.h" int mxGetString(const mxArray *array_ptr, char *buf, int buflen);array_ptr
; that is, a pointer to an mxArray
having the mxCHAR_CLASS
writes the character data into buf
and then terminates the string with a NULL
character (in the manner of C strings). buf
can either point to dynamic or static memory.
. Typically, you set buflen
to 1 plus the number of elements in the string mxArray
to which array_ptr
points. (See the mxGetM
and mxGetN
reference pages to find out how to get the number of elements.)
Note: Users of multibyte character sets should be aware that MATLAB packs multibyte characters into an mxChar
(16-bit unsigned integer). When allocating space for the return string, to avoid possible truncation you should set
buflen = (mxGetM(prhs[0] * mxGetN(prhs[0]) * sizeof(mxChar)) + 10 on success, and 1 on failure. Possible reasons for failure include
that is not a string mxArray
with less than the number of characters needed to store the entire mxArray
pointed to by array_ptr
. If this is the case, 1 is returned and the string is truncated.
to copy the character data of a string mxArray
into a C-style string. The copied C-style string starts at buf
and contains no more than buflen-1
characters. The C-style string is always terminated with a NULL
If the string array contains several rows, they are copied, one column at a time, into one long string array.
Use mxGetString
to convert the data from a string array into a C string named buf
void mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[]) { char *buf; int buflen; int status; /* Find out how long the input string array is. Note: Users of multibyte character sets should uncomment and use the second buflen statement that follows and should comment out the first buflen statement that follows. */ buflen = (mxGetM(prhs[0]) * mxGetN(prhs[0])) + 1; /* buflen = (mxGetM(prhs[0]*mxGetN(prhs[0])*sizeof(mxChar))+1 */ /* Allocate enough memory to hold the converted string. */ buf = mxCalloc(buflen, sizeof(char)); if (buf == NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough heap space to hold converted string."); /* Copy the string data from prhs[0] and place it into buf. */ status = mxGetString(prhs[0], buf, buflen); if (status == 0) mexPrintf("The converted string is \n%s.\n", buf); else mexErrMsgTxt("Could not convert string data."); /* Manipulate buf as you would manipulate any C string. */ ... }For an additional example, see
in the mx
subdirectory of the examples
, mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings
, mxCreateString