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Get the name of the specified mxArray
#include "matrix.h" const char *mxGetName(const mxArray *array_ptr);array_ptr
A pointer to the start of the name field. If the mxArray
has no name, the first element in the name field is \0.
Use mxGetName
to determine the name of the mxArray
that array_ptr
points to.
The returned name is a NULL
-terminated character string. MATLAB variable names are stored in fixed-length character arrays of length mxMAXNAM+1
, where mxMAXNAM
is defined in the file mxArray.h
. Thus variable names can by any length up to mxMAXNAM
. The actual length is determined by the NULL
passes back a pointer to an existing section of memory; therefore, your application should not allocate space to hold the returned name string. Do not attempt to deallocate or free the returned string.
Consider a MEX-file named ret_name
that returns the name of the first input mxArray
void mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[]) { const char *array_name; array_name = mxGetName(prhs[0]); if (*array_name == '\0') mexPrintf("This mxArray is unnamed."); else mexPrintf("The name of this mxArray is %s.\n", array_name); }If you pass a named
to ret_name
, then ret_name
prints the mxArray
name; for example:
>> crandon = rand(6, 1);
>> ret_name(myarray)
The name of this mxArray is crandon
However, passing an unnamed mxArray
>> mxGetName(rand(6,1)) This mxArray is unnamed.For an additional example, see
in the mx
subdirectory of the examples