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mexSetTrapFlag    Examples   See Also

Control response of mexCallMATLAB to errors

C Syntax


  Control flag. Currently, the only legal values are

On error, control returns to the MATLAB prompt.
On error, control returns to your MEX-file.


Call mexSetTrapFlag to control MATLAB's response to errors in mexCallMATLAB.

If you do not call mexSetTrapFlag, then whenever MATLAB detects an error in a call to mexCallMATLAB, MATLAB automatically terminates the MEX-file and returns control to the MATLAB prompt. Calling mexSetTrapFlag with trap_flag set to 0 is equivalent to not calling mexSetTrapFlag at all.

If you call mexSetTrapFlag and set the trap_flag to 1, then whenever MATLAB detects an error in a call to mexCallMATLAB, MATLAB does not automatically terminate the MEX-file. Rather, MATLAB returns control to the line in the MEX-file immediately following the call to mexCallMATLAB. The MEX-file is then responsible for taking an appropriate response to the error.


See mexsettrapflag.c in the mex subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mexAtExit, mexErrMsgTxt

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