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mexGetFull    See Also

Routine to get component parts of a double-precision mxArray into a Fortran workspace

Fortran Syntax


  Row dimension.

  Column dimension.

  Name of mxArray to get from workspace.

  Pointer to imaginary part.

  Pointer to real part.


0 if successful, and 1 otherwise.


mexGetFull provides a way to copy data from a double-precision mxArray from the caller's workspace. It is an alternative to mexGetMatrix, which does not require use of the mxArray structure.

mexGetFull reads the named mxArray from the caller's workspace and places the row dimensions, column dimensions, real array pointer, and imaginary array pointer into the locations specified by m, n, pr, and pi, respectively. You can then use mxCopyPtrToReal8 to copy the data from the pointer into the Fortran workspace.

mexGetFull allocates memory for the real and imaginary arrays using mxCalloc; use mxFree to return it when you are done.

If the mxArray is purely real, the imaginary pointer is given 0.

See Also

mxGetName, mxGetPr, mxGetPi

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