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mexGetArrayPtr | Examples See Also |
Get a read-only pointer to a variable from another workspace
#include "mex.h" const mxArray *mexGetArrayPtr(const char *name, const char *workspace);name
to search. The three possible values areNULL
on failure.
Call mexGetArrayPtr
to get a read-only copy of the specified variable name into your MEX-file's workspace. This command is useful for examining an mxArray's
data and characteristics, but useless for changing them. If you need to change data or characteristics, call mexGetArray
instead of mexGetArrayPtr
. If you simply need to examine data or characteristics, mexGetArrayPtr
offers superior performance as the caller need pass only a pointer to the array. By contrast, mexGetArray
passes back the entire array.
Consider a MEX-file named FrstLst
that displays the value of the first and last elements of the Limes
void mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[]) { const mxArray *array_ptr; double *pr, value_of_first_element, value_of_last_element; int dims[5]; int num_elements; /* Get the array "Limes" from the MATLAB workspace. */ array_ptr = mexGetArrayPtr("Limes", "base"); if (array_ptr == NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("Could not get Limes from MATLAB workspace."); /* Display the value of first and last element of Limes. */ pr = (double *)mxGetPr(array_ptr); value_of_first_element = *pr; num_elements = mxGetM(array_ptr) * mxGetN(array_ptr); value_of_last_element = *(pr + (num_elements - 1)); mexPrintf("First: %g\n", value_of_first_element); mexPrintf("Last: %g\n", value_of_last_element); }Create a
variable containing a lot of data. Then, call FrstLst
>> Limes=magic(499); >> FrstLst First: 124752 Last: 124250If
calls mexGetArray
instead of mexGetArrayPtr
, then all 249,001 elements of Limes
are copied. By calling mexGetArrayPtr
, the only thing that gets copied is the address of the start of the Limes
For an additional example, see mexgetarrayptr.c
in the mex
subdirectory of the examples