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matGetDir    Examples

Get directory of mxArrays in a MAT-file

Fortran Syntax


  Pointer to MAT-file information.

  Address of the variable to contain the number of mxArrays in the MAT-file.


This routine allows you to get a list of the names of the mxArrays contained within a MAT-file.

matGetDir returns a pointer to an internal array containing pointers to the names of the mxArrays in the MAT-file pointed to by mfp. The length of the internal array (number of mxArrays in the MAT-file) is placed into num. The internal array is allocated using a single mxCalloc and must be freed using mxFree when you are finished with it.

matGetDir returns 0 and sets num to a negative number if it fails. If num is zero, mfp contains no mxArrays.

MATLAB variable names can be up to length 32.


Print out a directory of the mxArray names contained within a MAT-file.

See matdemo2.f in the eng_mat subdirectory of the examples directory for another sample program that illustrates how to use this MAT-file routine in a Fortran program.

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