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engGetFull    Examples

Read full mxArrays from an engine

Fortran Syntax


  Engine pointer.

  Name of mxArray to get or put into engine's workspace.

  Row dimension.

  Column dimension.

  Pointer to real part.

  Pointer to imaginary part.


Most MATLAB applications work only with full (nonsparse) mxArrays. This routine provides an easy way to copy a full mxArray from a MATLAB engine process. It offers an alternative to engGetMatrix, which does not require use of the mxArray structure.

engGetFull reads the named mxArray from the engine pointed to by ep and places the row dimensions, column dimensions, real array pointer, and imaginary array pointer into the locations specified by m, n, pr, and pi, respectively.

engGetFull returns 0 if successful, and 1 otherwise.

engGetFull allocates memory for the real and imaginary arrays using mxCalloc; use mxFree to return it when you are done.

If the mxArray is purely real, the imaginary pointer is given 0.


See fengdemo.f in the eng_mat subdirectory of the examples directory for a sample program that illustrates how to call the MATLAB engine functions from a Fortran program.

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