Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Relative Langlands Duality.
JHUnior Number Theory Days 2024/25
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
Representation Theory and Lie Groups – in celebration of the career of Jeffrey Adams.
Periods in algebraic geometry and automorphic forms.
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
Special Session on Automorphic Forms and Trace Formulae, AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting
Junior Number Theory Days 2023/24
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
Anaparastaseis: Orbits, Hecke algebras, and representations.
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
Junior Number Theory Days 2022
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
2022 IHES summer school on the Langlands program
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
Periods, functoriality and L-functions
Junior Number Theory Days 2021
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
Junior Number Theory Days 2020
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
Functoriality and Automorphic Periods
The local Langlands correspondence for supercuspidal representations
Junior Number Theory Days 2019
Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland
Algebra and Number Theory Day
L-Functions and Geometric
Representation Theory
Sphericity 2019
Junior Number Theory Days 2018
Representation theory and analysis on locally symmetric spaces
Junior Number Theory Days 2017
Automorphic Motives, Euler Systems
& p-adic L-functions
Junior Number Theory Days 2016
Relative Trace Formula, Periods, L-Functions and Harmonic Analysis.
Sphericity 2016
Junior Number Theory Days 2015
The future of trace formulas
Spherical varieties and automorphic representations