foresight page JHU

Your first math course at Hopkins

We hope these simple rules will help you decide which course to take. Good recommendations depend on lots of factors, and we recommend taking the Math Placement Exam for further information. If you feel you need more advice, please feel free to contact the Mathematics Department's advising coordinator (at the email address at the bottom of this page), talk to the Math DUS in 412 Krieger Hall, contact the Office of Academic Advising in Garland Hall, or get in touch with Engineering Academic Advising in 126 NEB.

What is your Calculus AP score? (or closest equivalent for those with IB, BCE, etc.)

  • 5 on BC... Take 211
  • 4 on BC... Intended major?
    • Physical science or possibly math. The placement exam will help you decide between 113 and 211.
    • Other. Take 202
  • 4-5 on AB or 3 on BC... Intended major?
    • Possibly Math. Take 113
    • Physical Science. The placement exam will help you decide between 109 and 113.
    • Bio/Soc. Science. The placement exam will help you decide between 106 and 107.
    • Engineering & Other. Take 109
  • I had HS Calculus, but didn't take AP (or got lower AP scores).... Intended Major?
    • Physical Sciences or math. The placement exam will help you decide between 108, 109, 113, and 211.
    • Bio/Soc. Science. The placement exam will help you decide between 106, 107, and 202.
    • Engineering The placement exam will help you decide between 108, 109, and 202
  • I had no HS Calculus... Intended major?
    • Physical Sciences, math, or engineering. The Calculus Readiness placement exam will help you decide between 105 and 108.
    • Bio/Soc. Science. The Calculus Readiness placement exam will help you decide between 105 and 106.
Phrased another way...

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This page last modified Sun May 29 13:56:22 2005
Questions? Comments? Please send feedback to jason howald: