foresight page JHU

Course GuidanceX
- What is algebra (401) ?
- What is algebra 2 (402) ?
- What is analysis (405) ?
- What is analysis 2 (406) ?
- What is calculus 3 (202) ?
- What is calculus (106-109) ?
- What is complex analysis (311) ?
- What is differential equations (302)?
- What is linear algebra (201) ?
- What is number theory (204) ?
- What is Putnam (225) ?
Math Main
Undergrad Math
Course Catalog

What is the Putnam?

The Putnam Exam is a highly competitive yearly national undergraduate math competition, taken by students very interested in math. You will be given six hours to solve twelve problems, ranging in difficulty from hard to incredibly hard. This is a fun course for majors and for others who like intensity and competition. Future math classes may be easier because of Putnam experience, because the most difficult skill trained by the Putnam class is proving theorems.

This page last modified Fri Sep 10 14:52:21 2004
Questions? Comments? Please send feedback to jason howald: