MWF 10:00
am-10:50 am, Levering Arellano. MWF 11:00 am-11:50 am, Hodson 110.
Instructor: Yi Wang
Email: ywang261**AT**
Office Hours of Yi Wang: Krieger 216, MW 9:00-10:00 am
Sections: check your section on the Course Schedule
First Class: Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Head TA: Kalyani Kansal
Office Hours of TAs:
Nikki Wang |
Tue 1:30-2:30 Krieger 211 |
Jin Lu |
Fri 3-4 Krieger 207 |
Xiaoqiang (Elvin) Meng |
Wed 3-4 Krieger 207 |
Junyan Zhang
Tue 4-5 Krieger 211 |
Kalyani Kansal |
Mon 3-4 Krieger 201 |
Textbook: Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th
Edition. James Stewart
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Labor Day |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
Oct 10 (Midterm 1) |
Week 8 |
Fall Break |
Week 9 |
Week 10 |
Week 11 |
Nov 7 (Midterm 2) |
Week 12 |
Week 13 |
Thanksgiving |
Thanksgiving |
Thanksgiving |
Week 14 |
Week 15 |
Exams |
goal of MATH 109 is to continue the study of calculus on the real line, which you
started in Calculus I, with a focus on integration, the basics of differential
equations, as well as sequences and series. Calculus is a beautiful and
venerable subject, whose main aim is to understand the properties of functions,
and how they can be used to describe and predict the behavior of various
physical systems. The prominence and importance of such study reaches far
beyond the pure mathematical endeavor into numerous applications, among others
in engineering, natural sciences, and economics. Students enter MATH 109 from a
variety of backgrounds. Regardless of your background coming in, our goal is to
help every one of you succeed, and enjoy yourselves as much as possible in the
process! However, calculus is often a subtle and challenging subject, and
experience has taught us (both as students once ourselves, and as educators)
that success in MATH 109 requires a lot of work, many hours of study and
problem solving, and your active involvement in learning, both inside and
outside the classroom. We have designed our course with the aim of helping you
stay constantly involved with the course and the material, and within easy
reach of some of your best resources: your instructor, your teaching
assistants, and your colleagues! Working (quite hard!) together, you will find
that at the end of the semester you have not only learned the basics of the
course, but mastered the concepts, their connections, and many of their
possible applications!
Grades of Homework and exams will be updated
in Blackboard.
Homework: 30%
Midterm 1: 15%, Midterm 2: 15%
Final Exam: 40%
exams: There will be no make-ups on exams!! It is allowable for a student to be
excused for a missed exam if one has a valid reason (acute illness, accident,
or other reason preventing one from attending the exam and beyond the student's
control). The instructor will determine whether the excuse is valid of not.
Should a student be excused from an exam, the score for that missed exam will
be calculated based on the student's performance on all remaining exams. Should
a student be excused from a final exam, a suitable makeup period and exam will
have to be negotiated between the student and the instructor. All exams that
are missed without a valid excuse are given the score of 0.
There are ten homework assignments in total. Homework
assignments will be posted on the course website regularly. Check the due dates
in the schedule above. You are encouraged to do your homework in groups. You
are required, however, to write up your homework on your own. There will be
five problems from each homework set to be graded. The grades reflect both your
analytical and reasoning skills on the graded problems and the completeness of
the entire set. Problems marked with an asterisk are challenging, hence not
required (5 graded problems will not include any such). Your TA and I will be
more than happy to discuss about those challenging problems.
are due on Tuesday or Thursday in sections. You should always turn in your
homework to your officially
registered section TA, even if you may attend another TA's section
occasionally due to time conflict.
Assignments |
Due Date |
(will be posted after the due date) |
no due date |
Sept 11 or 13 in sections |
Sept 18 or 20 in sections |
Sept 25 or 27
in sections |
Oct 2 or 4 in sections |
Oct 9 or 11 in sections |
Oct 16 or 18 in sections |
Oct 23 or 25 in sections |
Oct 30 or Nov 1 in sections |
Nov 13 or Nov 15 in sections |
Nov 27 or 29 in sections |
Dec 4 or 6 in sections |
Students with disabilities
with documented disabilities or other special needs who require accommodation
must register with Student Disability Services. After that, remind the
instructor of the specific needs at two weeks prior to each exam; the instructor
must be provided with the official letter stating all the needs from Student
Disability Services. For more information:
You are encouraged to register for Pilot. Registration will be open on Thursday, Aug 30, at 5pm. For more information:
Help Room: 213 Kreiger
Hall. The hours are 9am - 9pm on Monday through Thursday, and 9am - 5pm
on Friday. This free service is a very valuable way to get one-on-one help on
the current material of a class from other students outside the course. It is
staffed by graduate students and advanced undergraduates.
Make-up exams:
There will be no make-ups or alternative exams.